Hier findest du clevere Produkte, die dir deinen Arbeitsalltag auf der Baustelle sowie in Haus & Garten erleichtern. Unsere Arbeitshelfer sind ein Garant für schnelle und saubere Ergebnisse, selbst in den dunkelsten Ecken und Rohbauten.
Items 1 - 10 of 10
- Item no.:
- 300075
- EAN:
- 4260712972422
- Shipping weight:
- 0,20 kg
- Product weight:
- 0,16 kg
- Purchase interval:
- 1
8 in stock
41,90 € *
- Item no.:
- 3026-160120-KFZ-Adapter
- EAN:
- 4260523597357
- Shipping weight:
- 0,06 kg
- Product weight:
- 0,06 kg
- Purchase interval:
- 1 piece
Product ordered
15,99 € *
- Item no.:
- 3026-Stativ
- EAN:
- 4260210320947
- Shipping weight:
- 2,70 kg
- Product weight:
- 2,50 kg
- Purchase interval:
- 1 piece
>300 in stock
29,99 € *
- Item no.:
- 3666-060120
- EAN:
- 4260210322095
- Shipping weight:
- 1,94 kg
- Product weight:
- 1,58 kg
- Purchase interval:
- 1 piece
279 in stock
99,90 € *
- Item no.:
- 3667
- EAN:
- 4260210322132
- Shipping weight:
- 0,38 kg
- Product weight:
- 0,38 kg
- Purchase interval:
- 1 piece
Product ordered
51,90 € *
- Item no.:
- 4997-040270
- EAN:
- 4260629149818
- Shipping weight:
- 0,08 kg
- Product weight:
- 0,06 kg
- Purchase interval:
- 1 piece
- EU Product Information Sheet
Product ordered
6,69 € *
- Item no.:
- 4997-040270VPE
- EAN:
- 4260712974648
- Shipping weight:
- 0,80 kg
- Product weight:
- 0,60 kg
- Purchase interval:
- 1 piece
- EU Product Information Sheet
Product ordered
56,90 € *
- Item no.:
- 5353-150360
- EAN:
- 4260712977670
- Shipping weight:
- 4,95 kg
- Product weight:
- 4,22 kg
- Purchase interval:
- 1 piece
>300 in stock
199,00 € *
- Item no.:
- 600136
- EAN:
- 4260712977229
- Shipping weight:
- 0,04 kg
- Product weight:
- 0,03 kg
- Purchase interval:
- 1
>300 in stock
16,99 € *
- Item no.:
- 600137
- EAN:
- 4260712977687
- Shipping weight:
- 0,10 kg
- Product weight:
- 0,08 kg
- Purchase interval:
- 1
>300 in stock
34,90 € *
Items 1 - 10 of 10